Why have a baby sleep routine? Babies and children function better when they know what is coming next. They don’t like surprises and usually fight against it. Children often have other ideas of what they want to do next and sleep is not part of it especially when they get that little bit older, they may have had plans to redecorate the house and you are going to ruin it by suggesting putting him to SLEEP! Hence you need a baby sleep routine.
As a general rule of thumb, new born babies will need a nap every 2 hours from when they awake. As they get older the naps are either reduced or pushed out gradually by 10 to 15 minutes.
The following are the baby sleep routines that I find work best as it allows for your baby to sleep and eat at times that are the most beneficial for him/her. However if you have a routine that works for you stick with it.
Sleep Routine Basics
Babies and children function better when they know what is coming next.