Baby Not Sleeping
Life after your baby’s arrival has probably been a maze of nappy changes, round-the-clock feedings and juggled baby care. If you’re planning to return to work, you may have an eye on this future date, to make sure that everything is set and in place for return to reality. If your baby is not sleeping your thoughts of returning to work can be filled with dread.
If your baby didn’t get the back-to-work memo and she still has a pattern of night waking, life might get a little more complicated for a while. With a little effort and guidance in the right direction, you can cope with work and a struggling sleeper – and keep your sanity!
Work on Baby’s Routine
Baby’s routine can be a big source of contention when you’re facing a return to work. If possible, spend some time correcting any problematic areas a few weeks before you return to work to help ease the transition. Put a sleep routine firmly in place with your little one and use it for every nap and every bedtime. If your baby cries after you tuck her in, comfort her, but remain firm and help her understand that it’s time for sleep. When night-waking occurs, settle her back in her cot as quickly as possible. This may take a few nights of ongoing reassurance, but sleep training before you go back to work will benefit everyone in the long run.
Be Patient…
Once the big day arrives and you’re back to work, expect a few bumps in the road. It’s typical for families to experience a transition period where everyone needs to adjust to the new schedule. For baby, this is probably the first time she’s been away from you for an extended period of every day, so be a little patient if she regresses and has trouble sleeping. Maintain your typical sleep schedule and routine, and you should find that she adapts and accepts the new lifestyle without too much resistance.