You open your bleary eyes yet again and glance at the clock. Sure enough, your little one is crying for you and it’s only been about 45 minutes since you last tucked her in. If this scenario sounds eerily familiar, it can be helpful to commiserate with friends about your challenging sleeper.
If you seem to be the only one struggling with a wakeful baby, it’s easy to conclude that all of your friends’ kids sleep perfectly every night. It’s unlikely that you are the only parent with a difficult sleeper, though.

What’s Normal
You’ve probably heard numerous stories about baby champs who sleep for 12 hours each night. These little angels go down for naps and at night without a peep and the parents don’t hear from them again until well after sunrise. This sleep schedule may be a beautiful thing – but it’s also far from normal. Typical babies wake at night, due to hunger, discomfort and simple sleep cycles. If your baby is waking periodically throughout the night, rest assured that your little one is likely showing normal baby behavior.

Every Family is Unique
It’s easy to look at other families from the outside and make conclusions based on the tiny snapshots you see. You only get glimpses of the actual landscape of a family and of how the family unit operates, though. Because every child and every family is unique, resist the urge to compare your child and family with other children and other families.

Look for Support with Baby Sleep Issues
As you navigate your way through the maze of baby sleep issues, any support and empathy you can find from other parents, friends and family will help you. Baby sleep issues can be challenging for any parent, especially when you add sleep deprivation to the equation. The ability to share experiences, trade tips and receive support during your struggles can help lighten the load. Seek out other parents who indicate that all isn’t perfect in their sleep world. You might run into these other zombie parents at baby and toddler groups, the supermarket, the park or right within your neighborhood. Make a connection with these parents so you can encourage each other, listen to the horror stories and celebrate the sleep victories.


Consultation with Tailored Plan & Support

Recommended for parents experiencing settling issues and/or frequent night awakenings.  Includes a tailored step-by-step plan.

Single Consultation

Recommended for parents who want to discuss and overcome minor sleep issues with their baby or young child.

1st Year of Sleep

The 1st year of a baby's life is a very busy and exciting time. With this package you will have a helping hand all the way to guide you through developing a workable routine for your baby along with helping you through any sleep issues that may arise.

Public Talks & Media

As a Baby Sleep Consultant I give talks, seminars and training courses to the public & businesses.


Here is what Baby Sleep Academy customers had to say:

Hilda & Robbi

Hilda & Robbi

Before we met Edel were we completely exhausted and at our wits end, up every night at least 7 times with our son. Within about 10 days Dylan was happy in his cot and slept 12 hours straight! We couldn't speak more highly of Edel and she was such a fantastic person to deal with.*



Without Edel’s help and support I know I certainly wouldn’t be in a home with two very happy & content boys that sleep all night and thrive on their routine each day. She always understood how I felt. We would highly recommend Edel as a baby sleep consultant – she’s amazing!!*



I had no time to myself the entire day and despite being a new Mom and being told that this time was unpredictable I knew in my gut that it was wrong. We put our faith in Edel’s expertise in terms of sleep and we weren't disappointed. With the constant doubt we felt as new parents she was able to point us in the right direction.*

* The testimonials appearing on this site were actually received via e-mail submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our services. They are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results.  Testimonial Disclaimer

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