Baby Sleep Tips – New Pamphlet
Download our Baby Sleep Tips pamphlet here. Recently I was asked by a community nurse to put together a brief document about the most common questions parents have, so I came up with the list of baby sleep tips. I hope you find it a handy reference! Topics covered...
Get your child back into a normal sleep schedule after Christmas or a Holiday
If your child has been up all hours over the Christmas and having nice lie-ins in the morning, to get him back on track for school next week you should start adjusting his sleep schedule now. This will ensure he does not start off the new term on the wrong footing....
Baby Sleep Associations
What are they? A sleep association is something that a child requires to help him get to sleep. There are many types of infant sleep associations, some good and some not so good. Therefore you need to be very wary what you introduce your baby to at sleep time. The...