Understanding Sleep In Children
“The purpose of sleep lies in the benefits it provides for our survival” 1 We all need sleep otherwise we feel drowsy and unable to cope with life’s normal demands. Lack of sleep effect’s every aspect of our daily lives. This is the same no matter what age you are. We...
When should I move my child to a bed?
I am regularly asked this question, and the answer simply is to wait for as long as possible. 2 ½ to 3 years is a good age as your child will begin to understand the concept of staying in bed, respond to rewards etc. If you move your child to a bed too young, your...
Baby Sleep Associations
What are they? A sleep association is something that a child requires to help him get to sleep. There are many types of infant sleep associations, some good and some not so good. Therefore you need to be very wary what you introduce your baby to at sleep time. The...
Sudden Change in Baby Sleep Pattern
Sudden Change in Baby Sleep Pattern My 1 yr olds baby sleep pattern seems to have gone out the window all of a sudden. She always went to sleep at 7.45pm, after her 7.20pm bottle. But for the past few nights, she refuses to go to sleep, and was up until almost 9.30pm...