Case Study: Conor & Katie

Conor (approx 1year 8 months old) and Katie (approx 4) can wake up frequently during the night and need assistance from parents to get back to sleep. This results in parents and children having a very unsettled night’s sleep. Both children are capable of sleeping during the night. They both eat well during the day and have no medical issues.
Conor and Katie both fall off to sleep in the evening with one of their parents by their side this results in the child getting a fright during the night when they awake and the parent has left the room. This usually wakes the other child who also won’t settle unless a parent is in the room. Neither child wishes to be alone in their room at night time.
Proposed Solution
I created a step by step plan of each child.
The step by step plan showed Conor’s parents how to gradually move away from Conor each night, the emphasis of this plan was to reassure Conor his parents were there for him, even if they were not in his room.
In a few days Conor’s parents saw a huge improvement in Conor’s sleep pattern. After 2 weeks Conor went to bed without any assistance from his parents and slept through the night.
A reward system was put in place with different levels of rewards given for certain behaviours. Katie’s parents spoke to Katie about what was expected from her at night-time, her parents reassured her that they would be there for her and checking on her regularly throughout the night. A day was set as to when the new system was going to start, this allowed Katie to think about the changes and get her mind ready for the new system. Katie was fully involved in making the chart and planning the rewards.
Katie quickly saw the benefits to the new system and slept through the night after 3 nights.*
* The testimonials appearing on this site were actually received via e-mail submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our services. They are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results. Testimonial Disclaimer