Frequently Asked Questions

Why Use a Baby Sleep Consultant?
Quite often parents have exausted all avenues before employing the help of a baby sleep consultant. Our sleep consultants have many years experience in dealing with a wide variety of baby and child sleep problems. Through the analysis of your sleep diary and consultantion, Baby Sleep Academy sleep consultants can identify issues you may have missed. Our objective view-point enables us to provide a sleep program tailored to your child.
How long will it take before my baby will be sleeping through the night?
Typically most babies respond well within a few weeks of introducing their new sleep routine. Improvements can normally be seen within a few days but it takes a number of weeks to be confident that routine is fully established.
How much does it cost?
The Baby Sleep Academy offers a number of different tailored services. The most popular service is the Consultation with a Tailored Plan for you and your child which costs €250. A single consultation costs €95.
Must I Complete a Sleep Diary?
Some parents do get frustrated that they can’t get straight into their new sleep routine as they must spend the first 7 days completing the sleep diary. The sleep diary holds much of the information required to enable your sleep consultant to identify where the issues reside and suggest where and how improvements can be made.
What happens if my baby stops sleeping in the future?
During your consultation/programme you will be advised on how to handle future diviations from your sleep routine, e.g. baby is teething, baby is sick, child has night terrors, etc. If however you require further assistance in re-establishing your sleep routine this can be provided at a discounted rate.
What guarantees do you provide?
The Baby Sleep Academy guarantees to provide a professional and tailored service to every single customer. It is not possible for the Baby Sleep Academy to provide a guarantee that your child will be sleeping through the night within x weeks as the sleep plan is so dependent on the parents’ commitment to implementing the new routine.