Babies should be put to sleep in a calm secure environment. Be very careful they are not too warm as overheating is very dangerous for a child. Babies should always be placed on their back’s “back-to-sleep” to go asleep unless you were told otherwise from your doctor. Once your baby can easily roll from front to back and back to front and lift his/her head then s/he is free to sleep in whatever position s/he is comfortable in. Do not leave stuffed toys, pillows etc. in the cot with your baby. Usually small babies have not developed a comforter, a comforter can be introduced once your child is 4 months old and can lift his/her head and roll over easily. Babies should sleep on a firm mattress with a sheet securely fastened. Ensure your child does not sleep near a window, curtains, cords or blinds.

Once all safety measures are in place then it is time to concentrate on how to get baby to sleep.

1-      If you want your baby to sleep in a crib or cot, then always ensure your child is placed in the cot/crib awake. You may find this difficult when your baby is very small but it is probably the single most important piece of advice you will get to ensure good sleeping habits for your baby in the months ahead.

2-      If you feel you need to introduce a soother, do not let your baby fall asleep with this in his/her mouth. Soothers are perfectly fine if you want to delay feeds or calm your baby but they should not be used as a baby sleep aid. If you need the soother for your child to wind down go right ahead, however remove the soother before your baby falls asleep.

3-      Do not let your child fall asleep while you breastfeed or on the bottle, remove breast or bottle before your baby is asleep.

4-      Leave the room before your child falls asleep, if your child is confident you are around they should be happy to fall asleep on their own. If you take this baby sleep approach from the start and points 1, 2 & 3 from day one then you should have no sleep problems when your child is older.

5-      Do not let your child cry themselves to sleep (Cry it out/Controlled crying method). This can cause more problems than it solves. There are always other ways to solve baby sleep problems. Reassurance is key to a child’s wellbeing, therefore if you do everything you can for the child during the day and then let your baby cry themselves to sleep,  all your efforts during the day was a total waste of time.

6-      Always reassure your child if s/he is upset going to sleep, don’t leave the room while s/he is crying, go back and reassure them and then leave when they stop crying, repeat this until baby falls asleep.

7-      Always watch your child to ensure he is not overtired when you put them to bed. When you spot the first signs of tiredness i.e. rubbing eyes, yawning, quite in himself then this is the time you should start your bedtime routine.

8-      Routine is vital to a child especially when s/he gets older s/he needs to know when bedtime is, therefore you must have a routine in place. How would you like it if you were told just as your were getting ready to watch Coronation Street that you were not allowed and had to go to bed right now!

Follow these ‘How to Put Baby to Sleep’ steps and you should not require my services in the future. However if you do, just email me at I would be delighted to help you get your baby to sleep through the night.


Consultation with Tailored Plan & Support

Recommended for parents experiencing settling issues and/or frequent night awakenings.  Includes a tailored step-by-step plan.

Single Consultation

Recommended for parents who want to discuss and overcome minor sleep issues with their baby or young child.

1st Year of Sleep

The 1st year of a baby's life is a very busy and exciting time. With this package you will have a helping hand all the way to guide you through developing a workable routine for your baby along with helping you through any sleep issues that may arise.

Public Talks & Media

As a Baby Sleep Consultant I give talks, seminars and training courses to the public & businesses.


Here is what Baby Sleep Academy customers had to say:

Hilda & Robbi

Hilda & Robbi

Before we met Edel were we completely exhausted and at our wits end, up every night at least 7 times with our son. Within about 10 days Dylan was happy in his cot and slept 12 hours straight! We couldn't speak more highly of Edel and she was such a fantastic person to deal with.*



Without Edel’s help and support I know I certainly wouldn’t be in a home with two very happy & content boys that sleep all night and thrive on their routine each day. She always understood how I felt. We would highly recommend Edel as a baby sleep consultant – she’s amazing!!*



I had no time to myself the entire day and despite being a new Mom and being told that this time was unpredictable I knew in my gut that it was wrong. We put our faith in Edel’s expertise in terms of sleep and we weren't disappointed. With the constant doubt we felt as new parents she was able to point us in the right direction.*

* The testimonials appearing on this site were actually received via e-mail submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our services. They are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results.  Testimonial Disclaimer

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